A Matter Of Life And Death


The Bay Area is a major hub for advanced medical and biotechnology sectors. Within a few square miles, companies like Genentech and UCSF are leading the way in research and genetics, whereas experienced players such as Kaiser Permanente and PAMF provide healthcare networks for millions.

 Kontent have deep experience in healthcare film production and we’ve learned over time that the sector has particular needs. 

Healthcare is a life and death matter. It’s vital to build trust. The tone of voice of marketing communications can’t be too salesy or flashy, but as ever, if a video is to stand out it must avoid cliché and over-used tropes.

Healthcare is a people business. It’s vital to see authentic, friendly faces, but “talking heads” videos can easily be uninteresting unless shot and edited with passion. We’ve become experts at creating compelling testimonial and interview pieces and it’s worked for many of our medical clients.

New medical tech is exciting – but its benefits need to be explained in human terms. You must treat viewers as intelligent, but cold, over-technical communication is always a turn-off.

Increasingly, the medical sector uses film in other ways. Companies are turning to tech interfaces to diagnose or treat patients. Video has a key role here. We’ve been involved in producing complex front ends for patient diagnostic or explanatory projects – again where a human face is required to interface between technology and client or patient.

These widely varying needs mean that every healthcare project is different, and a new creative solution is always required!

Take a look at our healthcare reel here: http://vimeo.com/265668306


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