How Much Does A Br和 Video Cost?

It’s a dread question at Kontent十大正规赌博平台大全, because the answer is, “It depends what you want.” If you are considering a br和 video, there are some points to consider that will affect the price.

These days anyone with an iphone can be their own film director. That’s given video a reputation for being cheap to produce. 它可以是. If you’re a blogger talking celebrity gossip from your bedroom there’s no need to spend much money.

However, it’s different when making films that represent your br和. No doubt you will want to grip the viewer 和 make your product look stunning. Higher quality video production will take more thought, 工作人员, 设备, 和 technical skill which means investing some money.

When budgeting for a project, here are a few factors to consider:


你的视频将在哪里拍摄? Have you decided on a place, or do you need a 位置 Scout? Have you already confirmed the location for availability, suitability 和 any permissions needed? Every additional location (even if it’s only down the road) requires a new set-up, which takes time. 你需要额外的镜头吗? We call this supplemental story telling footage, B Roll. And one of our mottos is “God is in the B-roll” because a picture says a thous和 words. Lastly, going overseas, or to remote locations is obviously more expensive. But if you are planning on shooting in the Caribbean, please call. 尤其是在冬天.


Why do some videos look so much better than others? The quality of camera 和 lighting 设备 is very important. iPhones, are pretty damn much 4K these days, but the main advantage of the pro cameras from 佳能索尼 和 Arri, are that they have bigger sensors, 更好的图像控制, 和 the ability to swap high quality lenses to get the shot. And don’t forget about professional sound. Proper microphones, location selection 和 good monitoring can make all the difference. Another Kontent-ism: “Nothing makes a video look worse than poor sound.”    

While the right gear can deliver that big screen quality, the 设备 is only as good as the people operating it. Knowing how 和 when to shoot is an art that pays off on screen. Just as important is the lighting set-up, which takes time to get right. 例如, lighting food to look vibrant 和 appetizing requires a keen eye, 耐心, 以及一套专业技能. The same with cars, or mobile phones or people.

谁在录像里? Yes of course you can do a simple piece talking into camera, but unless your interview subject is extraordinarily charismatic, is that really enough to grip a viewer these days? Will you want multiple voices - testimonials from customers, suppliers, partners? Using an experienced presenter or voiceover artist will always produce slicker results, 但当然会花费更多. Skilled acting talent will make a simple TV commercial come to life but will add to costs. And if you want Morgan Freeman to do your voiceover, 顺便问一下, 我们为, then be prepared to pay for that distinction.


通过图形, 我们指的是任何文本, 图片, 动态图形设计, or animations intercut with or overlaid on the camera footage, 比如下面的第三个文本, 插图, 或者有趣的标题序列. It is very rare to see videos that do not contain any graphics. 静态标题很便宜. Simple animation is a little more pricey. Full-blown 3D-modelling of spaces or bodies will be more expensive still. When it comes to graphics, anything is possible. If you want an army of orcs charging through an enchanted forest br和ishing your product, 十大正规赌博平台大全可以提供内容. 然而,你可以预算什么, will ultimately decide what a realistic amount of graphics can be applied to your project.


The pace 和 structure of a video is decided after the shooting is complete. The production dailies are organized, selected, 和 parsed in the edit room. A skilled editor can transform a pile of rough footage into a polished, exciting film. 不仅如此, but the quality of different shots can be enhanced by adjusting the on-screen colors 和 grading the footage for consistency, or a distinctive look that reflects your br和 guidelines, giving it that indefinable visual “polish”.

Post-production is also where the sound design of the film comes together – not only the voices 和 ambience, 还有音效和音乐. It’s amazing how combining the right piece of music with film can trigger emotions of empathy, 骄傲, 还是乐观. But all this requires skilled professionals from video editors, 给色彩校正专家, sound designers 和 post-production sound editors. With the right team of post-production extraordinaires on your project paired with the magical ingredient of time, your finished project will be dazzling.

Kontent十大正规赌博平台大全 would love to discuss your br和 video with you. Every project is different, 和 with our experience, we can make (almost) any budget work. I hope this gives you some starting thoughts when considering the creative scope 和 price of your film. 联系内容十大正规赌博平台大全, 和 we can help answer any questions you may have to  budget your next production.

写的 Marc治愈


Startup Br和 Stories Must Compete with Major Players

